/u/Secure-Barracuda's posts
In 1176 Henry II ‘took every castle in England into his hand, and removing the castellans of the earls and barons, put in his own custodians.’ How did this not cause total civil war?
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I am a ambassador dinning with Henry VIII. Out of the many dishes laid before me, which ingredient has traveled the furthest from its origin?
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How many guards would the average 14th century European walled city have? What equipment would they have?
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What would it be like to go on a hunting trip with a medieval king (for examples sake let’s say Edward III of England)?
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The modern day City of London (“the square mile”) is a financial and banking centre due to the quirks of medieval law giving it greater fiscal freedom. Could the same be said in the 15th century?
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The Siege of Candia lasted for 22 years. Close to the end what would the siege camp have looked like?
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Historically there have been many examples of English Kings convincing parliament to grant them money (I.e Henry VII in the 1489 Yorkshire Rebellion). How did Parliament get this money?
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