What do you wish you could tell your younger self? | 105 | Adulting | | | | |
What to do when there’s no toilet at freecamps?? | 8 | AustraliaTravel | | | | |
What’s the most inspirational advice you’ve ever heard? | 5 | AskReddit | | | | |
What was your first kiss like | 4 | teenagers | | | | |
POV: you wake up and it’s 2030. What do you do? | 3 | AskReddit | | | | |
RTT recommendations Australia? | 3 | rooftoptents | | | | |
Taylor Swift or Kanye West | 1 | teenagers | | | | |
Aussies, what’s a core childhood memory that only Australians will understand? | 1 | australia | | | | |
If you got to meet your 30 year old self, what would you want to ask them? | 1 | teenagers | | | | |