I’m gonna get downvoted but….. | 327 | MortalKombat | | | | |
Why the hell does No one remember the 8th Sibling in Umbrella Academy? | 165 | UmbrellaAcademy | | | | |
I watched the new Season early, Ask me anything! | 138 | UmbrellaAcademy | | | | |
Favorite Ketchup and Mustard duo? | 116 | FavoriteCharacter | | | | |
CW: Low Effort! Gleps Bizarre Adventure | 20 | SmilingFriends | | | | |
What Actress makes you wanna watch a movie if she’s in it? | 12 | moviescirclejerk | | | | |
D’vorah vs Mahito | 7 | DeathBattleMatchups | | | | |
We Need more soliders for the Revolution | 7 | BatmanArkham | | | | |
Should we get Homander to join us? | 6 | StardustAslumers | | | | |
I want to pet this cute puppy. | 6 | StardustAslumers | | | | |