Anyone do this as a kid? | 126 | autism | | | | |
Alright show me your cat and it’s dti look alike! | 45 | DressToImpressRoblox | | | | |
Here’s some Ash pictures | 34 | Frenchbulldogs | | | | |
I did something. | 24 | Frenchbulldogs | | | | |
I cleaned it. | 23 | Frenchbulldogs | | | | |
Here’s my boy, his name is Dickyhead! I love my boy very much! | 13 | cats | | | | |
Doofy passed 2 weeks ago now, would anyone draw him? If you do I appreciate it a lot. | 9 | redditgetsdrawnbadly | | | | |
I’ve had these for two years, are they crystal/mineral or are they just cool beads? | 8 | whatsthisrock | | | | |
Here’s my autism in a nutshell. | 5 | autism | | | | |
Recommendations on where to buy crystals and rocks? | 4 | asksandiego | | | | |