Can anyone tell me about this shotgun? Guy wants $400 and these are all the pics I could get | 28 | Shotguns | | | | |
Anyone know about these old Parker shotguns? Guy wants $400 for it | 19 | Firearms | | | | |
Wanting information on Parker double barrel I found. Any info on price is welcome | 11 | guns | | | | |
Anyone got any info on this Parker shotgun? Couldn’t take anymore pictures | 10 | blackpowder | | | | |
Looking to buy either another Sten MK II or MK V kit. How hard is it? | 4 | GunnitRust | | | | |
Need help on the ID of this Parker double barrel for $400 | 1 | guns | | | | |
Anyone got an idea what these are. Guy says he has no idea if it’s silver or cast | 1 | coins | | | | |
Not to be a panic buy post, are any of y’all insulating yourself for a Kamala presidency and potential AWB | 0 | Firearms | | | | |