Never felt like it was a problem until now | 2 | daddyissuesclub | | | | |
[13/F] Hope everyone is ok is anyone on and chatting? | 1 | friendship | | | | |
13 F Hope everyone is ok is anyone on and chatting? | 1 | Needafriend | | | | |
[13/F] Hope everyone is ok is anyone on and chatting? | 1 | DigitalFriendz | | | | |
Heya anyone just wanting to be friends and to chat? | 1 | lonely | | | | |
[13F] [Chat] looking for chat friends online if anyone is on online | 1 | MeetPeople | | | | |
13 F Hope everyone is ok is anyone on and chatting? | 1 | MakeNewFriendsHere | | | | |
[13/F] Hope everyone is ok is anyone on and chatting? | 1 | MeetNewPeopleHere | | | | |
13F is anyone on and chatting? | 1 | LetsChat | | | | |