Are there any Hong Kong students here? | 8 | Seneca | | | | |
Can you be stateless if you were born outside the UK, and both of you parents are UK citizens by descent. | 6 | ukvisa | | | | |
Do people in Newfoundland feel that they are Canadian? | 5 | AskACanadian | | | | |
Is it common for Ontario universities students to have full G driving licenses? | 3 | OntarioUniversities | | | | |
大陸和港澳地區法理上是否仍屬中華民國領土 | 1 | Taiwanese | | | | |
Today I learned the the age of consent used to be 13 in Korea before 2020. | 1 | Living_in_Korea | | | | |
¿La mayoría de los puertorriqueños se identifican como estadounidenses? | 1 | PuertoRico | | | | |
Is it possible for Guam to join Japan? | 1 | guam | | | | |
Should Okinawa have its own time zone that is different than mainland Japan? | 1 | okinawa | | | | |
What if Lee Wan Yong was alive after liberation of Korea from Japan? | 1 | KoreanHistory | | | | |