/u/jacob8015's posts in /r/askscience
If a calorie is the amount of energy to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius, why does eating ~20 ice cubes not make me extremely tired/lose weight.
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If earthshine causes the moon to light up due to light reflected from the earth, why can I see the effect at night?. All the diagrams I see show the light reflecting onto illuminated parts of the eartt, not the dark parts.
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In school my Biology teacher said that if you add salt to one side of a curved tube with a semipermeable membrane between the two halves the water level will rise on the side with the salt against gravity without any added energy. Is this correct? Where does the energy come from?
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Kinetic energy is one half mass times velocity squared. Does one half velocity times mass squared have a special name?
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Is it possible that our observable universe is living inside a giant black hole? Somewhere between the mega wide event horizon anf the singularity?
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