Who or what always has your back? | 242 | technicallythetruth | | | | |
Rate my music taste | 29 | GenAlpha | | | | |
Explicit enough? NSFW | 9 | GoodAds | | | | |
Any game recommendations based off my favorite games? | 1 | PS4Pro | | | | |
Need karma thanks in advance🗣️🔥😤🔥😫😫😫🥶😎 | 1 | KarmaFarmer | | | | |
My maltipoo f3 wraps her arms around my arm and humps it. | 1 | dogs | | | | |
Click the second one and tilt the top right corner of your phone to the right | 1 | TheWeridosHideout | | | | |
Dog wrecks bed | 1 | DogAdvice | | | | |
Wouldnt have been able to find the comment without the circle | 1 | uselessredcircle | | | | |