Baked potato after 20 minutes walk | 64 | Chihuahua | | | | |
Can you recommend paranormal/horror romance flash fiction? | 6 | paranormalromance | | | | |
Is it a human pivot to talk a lot about yourself if you’re nervous or shy? | 2 | socialskills | | | | |
What sport can you pick up at 40 and qualify for the Olympics within a decade? | 1 | AskReddit | | | | |
What’s your worst first date story after you seriously deeply vibed with someone online? | 1 | AskReddit | | | | |
I’m looking for a neoprene swimsuit like this one from ROXY | 1 | surfing | | | | |
Women who were not used/taken advantage of by men, what advice do you have for other women? | 1 | AskWomenOver30 | | | | |