Is Boney Island mentioned in the reboot? | 12 | Totaldrama | | | | |
Choosing your Delegation for the Map War (Day 0) | 7 | JackSucksAtGeography | | | | |
Count by how many gets you have | 5 | counting | | | | |
99415 | 4 | CountOnceADay | | | | |
How many people do you feel could fit in Total Drama elimination vehicles? | 3 | Totaldrama | | | | |
Do you think Owen remembers Mr. Coconut | 3 | Totaldrama | | | | |
United States Delegates War Day 1 | 2 | JackSucksAtGeography | | | | |
How is my Description of Lindsey | 2 | Totaldrama | | | | |
Do these three contestants have anything in common? | 2 | Totaldrama | | | | |
Name Suggestions for Fanfic Season | 2 | Totaldrama | | | | |