This is Ohio | 295 | Ohio | | | | |
Bets on who will be the next cast member to go get veneers in Turkey? Tony already went. | 40 | 90DayFianceUK | | | | |
Have any fellow Gen X switched careers this late? I'm even considering a "retirement job" HAALP! | 17 | GenX | | | | |
Next step after 20 units of .5 for a month? This is my starting dose because I was on 1mg for 10 months, but went off for a while - and am starting back. | 1 | Semaglutide | | | | |
Next step after 20 units of .5 for a month? This is my starting dose because I was on 1mg for 10 months, but went off for a while - and just started back a few weeks ago. | 1 | SemaglutideFreeSpeech | | | | |