Bradley and his happy hops | 27 | squirrels | | | | |
🤔 | 22 | StarTrekTNG | | | | |
This fan theory connects Mary Poppins and Pennywise | 11 | ItTheMovie | | | | |
My song sparrow Stanley is hilarious | 8 | birding | | | | |
Steven holding an almond in his mouth and Steven Jr saying “give me that now, dad!” LMAO 🤣🤣🤣 | 5 | birding | | | | |
Bradley and my crow “sharing” peanuts LMFAOOO | 2 | squirrels | | | | |
Bradley and my crow “sharing” peanuts LMFAOOO | 1 | squirrels | | | | |
Steven holding an almond in his mouth and Steven Jr saying “give me that now, dad!” LMAO 🤣🤣🤣 | 1 | birding | | | | |