(´;ω;`) | 325 | kollywood | | | | |
SCP-096 ( jawdrop art ) | 37 | SCP | | | | |
Working on something :) | 22 | SCP | | | | |
anyways time to get back to study | 6 | indianmedschool | | | | |
How exactly Mahayuga Works and repeats in different universes???? | 4 | hinduism | | | | |
What are the exact rules and regulations to follow before reading any upanishad or puranas???? | 2 | hinduism | | | | |
Ahem, No comments sorry :/ | 1 | SCPMemes | | | | |
Working on something :) | 1 | scpArt | | | | |
🗿poothu poothu vaarthaikal | 1 | tamil | | | | |
Is every Mahayug same??? | 1 | hinduism | | | | |